Learn more / Download BeatzilleCM u-he ZebraCMĪs a matter of fact, ZebraCM commissioned for Computer Magazine.
Coupled witth 2 digital oscillators with simultaneous frequency modulation ( FM), phase distortion ( PD) and fractal resonance ( FR). Learn more / Download Beatzille u-he BazilleCM: little monsterĪnother mini version of Bazille and another commissioned by a magazine! This time it’s from Computer Music magazine.Ĭomparatively, here are a few of BazilleCM’s features. 1 multimode analogue-style filter with 6 parallel outputs (4× lowpass, bandpass, highpass).
2 digital oscillators with simultaneous frequency modulation ( FM), phase distortion ( PD) and fractal resonance ( FR). This one is available through a German magazine called Beat. Learn more / download u-he Beatzille: little monster modulatorīeatzille is a compact version of u-he’s “monster” modular synthesizer Bazille. 4 envelope modes: ADSR or HDSR, linear or exponential. Polyphonic (up to 16 voices), mono, legato and arpeggiator modes. Oscillator with variable symmetry (sawtooth to triangle, PWM) and glide. It’s fast, easy to use and creates clever sounds! Podolski has been recently updated, as well. It contains a single oscillator, one filter, an envelope and an arpeggiator / sequencer. Podolski is a simple, efficient virtual analogue synthesizer. 24 spectral effects including filter, sync, scatter, phase distortion and many more. Oscillator waveform editing with geomorph, spectromorph, geoblend and spectroblend modes. A single Zebra2 oscillator with a 16-slot waveset. Zebralette has been recently updated, too. If one oscillator is this powerful, imagine what you can achieve with four… and all the other great features available in Zebra 2. Perhaps it will persuade you to try Zebra 2 and upgrade. Zebralette is a free synthesizer and an introduction to Zebra 2’s fantastic oscillators. Learn more / Download u-he Zebralette – Mini Zebra Synth Polyphonic (up to 16 voices), duophonic, monophonic (retriggered) or legato mode. 8 different modes per comb filter module (11 modes total). So what does it contain? Download it and check it out! Besides the crazy name, it’s a synthesizer like no other! It doesn’t contain the usual oscillators, wave tables, or FM or phase distortion. U-he’s Triple Cheese was the winner of the 2006 KVR Developer Challenge. Learn more / Download u-he Triple Cheese Synthesizer #U.HE ZEBRA 2 TORRENT PLUS#
Virtual analogue with classic architecture plus extras.It was commissioned by a German music magazine called . .2.v2.1.MacOSX-Xdb MonsterBytes u-he.Podolski MAC -FreeWare MonsterBytes u-he.Triple Cheese MAC FreeWare MonsterBytes u-he.TyrellN6 MAC FreeWare MonsterBytes 1.2.MacOSX-Xdb MonsterBytes 2.5.4.FIXED.MacOSX-Xdb MonsterBytes u-he.ZebraCM version 1. The first of our 7 u-he free plugins that we’re showcasing is Tyrell N6. We’ve listed them at the bottom of this page, to make it easy for you.
It goes without saying, but don’t forget to check out u-he’s full list of products at Toolfarm. They also have 7 u-he audio plug-in freebies that you will truly enjoy. U-he makes synthesizers, effects, and sound sets.